domenica 30 settembre 2007

I Protagonisti del Congresso - Prof. Saverio Cinti

Il V° Congresso della Società Italiana Alimentazione e Sport sarà aperto con una Lettura Magistrale del Prof. Saverio Cinti Presidente Eletto della Società Italiana Obesità per il prossimo anno.
Di seguito il Curriculum Accademico del Prof. Cinti :
1974 MD -University of Padua
1979 Specialist Internal Medicine University of Verona
1982 Specialist in Surgical Pathology -University of Milan Associate Professor of Human Anatomy- Faculty of Medicine, University of Ancona.
1984- Director Institute of Normal Human Morphology (Anatomy and Istology) Faculty of Medicine, University of Ancona. Director Electron Microscopy Unit of the Dpt of Pathology of the Ancona General Hospital.
1986 Professor of Human Anatomy
1989- Didactic Dean Faculty of Medicine
1997-03 Vice-President of the European Commission Concerted Action 918: "Body Weight and Energy expenditure" (
2005-6 President of section Marche of SIO (Italian Society for the study of Obesity)
2006- President of CIRO Interdipartimental Center of Research on Obesity of University of Ancona and President elect of SIO (Italian Society for the study of Obesity)

1996- Dusseldorf -Plenary lecture- European Commission Concerted Action B5 15th November
1997- Giessen - Plenary lecture-Ist European Leptin Symposium- Castle of Rauischholzhausen- 1st May
1998- London- Plenary lecture- The joint winter Meeting of the Nutrition Society and the Association for the study of obesity- Royal College of Pysicians- 18th February
1998- Paris- International Congress of Obesity- 2nd September
1999- Charleston SC USA - Plenary Lecture- NAASO North American Association for the study of Obesity- 15th November
2000- Antwerpen- Plenary Lecture- European Congress of Obesity- 25th may London-Plenary Lecture- The joint winter Meeting of the Nutrition Society and the Association for the study of obesity- Institute of Child Health- 23rd November
2001- Palma de Mallorca - Sociedad Españnola de Nutrición Básica y Aplicada 15 February Torino - European Society of Endocrinology 9th June Philadelphia - American Association for the Study of Diabetes 22th June
2002 -Antalya- Turkey- Plenary Lecture. Turkish Society for the study of Obesity- Apr 24th -28th -Sao Paulo- Brasil- 9th International Congress of Obesity - Aug 24th-29th
2003 -Lisboa- II M Stock Conference- IAO March 24th- 27th -Berlin 3rd International Symposium on Obesity and Hypertension 23-25 Oct
2004 - Prague- 13th European Congress on Obesity 26-29 May - Plenary Lecture- "Overweight and Obesity" third Throne Holst Symposium on Nutrition- University of Oslo- Oslo 4-5 Nov
2005 -Barcelona Seminarios cientificos de actualizacion en diabetes, metabolismo y obesidad 23mayo
2006 - XVIII Congreso de Diabetes Madrid April -May 18 - 19, 2006 Washington DC, US ISIS Foundation Metabolism Network -134th Nobel Symposium: Gothenburg, Sweden, on August 6th - 9th 2006.
2007 -BES Society for Endocrinology 7-8 March Birmingham UK -15th European Congress on Obesity, Budapest, Hungary from 22nd to 25th April

Il Prof. Cinti è autore di 164 pubblicazioni scientifiche e autore del libro, tra i tanti a cui ha collaborato, "THE ADIPOSE ORGAN" Kurtis ed. Milan, 1999

I Miei ringraziamenti quale Presidente del Comitato Organizzatore Locale e del Presidente Nazioanle della SIAS Pietro di Fiore al Prof. Saverio Cinti per aver accettato l'invito al Nostro Congresso .
Fabrizio Angelini